Eliminating Stress
We have officially accepted stress as an everyday, unavoidable black cloud that follows us wherever we go. It’s in the car. It’s in the office. It’s at home. Stress is waiting around every corner with it’s sharp edges ready to chip away at our most complete selves. Stress heightens our blood pressure, making us irritable and tired. It causes our bodies to lock up and feel limited in the activities we used to be able to do. Whether we realize it or not, stress is a significant ingredient in what weighs us down. It is a difficult concept to realize in one’s self. We get lost in the day to day hustle and bustle; each new day elicits tasks and responsibilities. We forget to take a moment to consider how we feel both physically and emotionally. “But I have to take the car to the shop……” Let me empower you with the idea of massage therapy. My job, my passion in life is to help people feel good; to encourage each individual to gain control of their own well-being arm them with a protective shield against stress. No phones, no traffic, no kids; a calm and soothing environment for you to let go and tune in. To work the knots out, to replace the dull ache with vibrant mobility. To bring you back to a place when you felt strong and energetic. It’s seemingly too simple a solution. How can a massage combat the negative effects of stressful situations that face us when we wake up every day? The answer is that massage is part of the solution, and restitution happens a little in small steps. “But I just don’t have the time…” Saying you don’t have the time is just like saying yes to sore neck and shoulder muscles. Saying you don’t have the time allows stress to work it’s dark magic and slowly suck the metaphorical breath right out of you. Enough of the bad stuff; let’s talk benefits. Massage improves circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid. Healthy, hearty oxygenated blood to limbs and muscles make the body happy! Massage is an excellent compliment to exercise and stretching, which also promote fluid movement. Massage eases tense muscles. Have you ever had that pain in the neck and shoulders that keeps you from looking over your shoulder? The pain that intensifies after long days and commutes? Massage can really help that. Better yet, massage can keep it from coming back; it’s just a tight muscle. EASE TENSE MUSCLES+INCREASED CIRCULATION=A VERY HAPPY NECK
tricted blood carries antibodies to all parts of your body, and contains cells that devour the metabolic wastes. Keep it clean and flowing! Keep your energy levels up. “Go ahead cold, make my day…” Massage improves joint flexibility. Tight muscles anchor joints down. Lighten the load; decrease the tension and you’ll be doing the backstroke all the way home. Massage promotes the feeling of wholeness. Do you ever feel disconnected from the waist down? Do you feel like your hands and feet are numb and restricted in movement? A full body massage works closely with your energy levels, bringing back into focus that you are a complete individual from head to toe. Get grounded! And that’s just to name a few. Nevermind massage facilitates recovery from injury, relieves anxiety, calms the mind, brings to light self awareness, and overall feels really good… No more excuses. A reason to avoid your well-being and simply endure the negative effects of stress does not exist. Get a massage. For your body, mind and spirit.
Copied with permission from: http://plrplr.com/99285/eliminating-stress/